Flexible 'save and continue later' form features
Get full control over how returning responders are treated when they come back to a partially completed form. This flexibility enhances user experience, minimizes frustration, and boosts form completion rates.
Enable returning responders to pick up where they left off
By default, returning responders are placed at the furthest point they had previously reached in the form, with all their existing answers intact. This ensures that users can pick up exactly where they left off, reducing frustration and improving the chances of form completion.

Customizable returning responders behavior
Choose how to handle returning responders based on your form’s specific needs. Let users continue from their last completed step with answers saved, start from the beginning with previous answers discarded, or start from the beginning with answers pre-filled for review.

Maintain data integrity
By offering the option to retain or discard previous answers, Formsort ensures that your form data remains accurate and relevant. This flexibility is ensuring that only up-to-date data is submitted, while also improving the form’s overall efficiency.
Consistency during A/B testing
Even when using A/B testing, Formsort ensures returning responders are served the same variant they initially interacted with. If a variant has been deprecated, users can be seamlessly redirected to an active variant, providing a consistent and uninterrupted experience throughout the form process.