Track your form performance with form analytics

Track key form metrics, such as submissions, drop-offs, and conversion rates. With real-time data and performance insights, you can quickly identify areas of improvement and optimize your forms for better conversion.

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Monitor key metrics with built-in analytics

Track essential metrics like form submissions, drop-offs, and conversion rates with Formsort’s built-in analytics. Quickly identify which steps cause users to drop off, helping you optimize form design and boost conversion rates. The data is collected in real-time for immediate feedback.

Variant performance analysis

Track and measure the performance of multiple form variants. Compare performance data across variants and determine which designs or content lead to higher conversions, enabling data-driven form optimization.

Integrate with external analytics tools

Formsort integrates seamlessly with popular analytics platforms like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Amplitude, Rudderstack, and Segment. Track events such as form loads, completions, and abandonments across platforms. You can also send full answer payloads to your chosen tools, providing deeper insights into responder behavior.

Step-by-step completion rate tracking

Formsort provides detailed insights into each step of your form. With per-step completion rates, you can see exactly where users are dropping off, helping you identify bottlenecks in the user journey. Use these insights to improve the flow and make each step more engaging.