Formsort vs FormDr - discover how they compare

You have a big decision to make, so let's make it simple for you.

With Formsort, you can create more customized, brand-aligned, and powerful HIPAA-compliant forms.

Find out how Formsort compares to FormDr here.

Make the switchGet a demo

We have found immense appreciation for the full-on custom UIs, the ability to create and run logic on calculated variables, and create multiple variant flows. Additionally, the Formsort team is incredibly generous and responsive with their time and support.


We've been able to improve conversion rate through the survey substantially, and have increased sales at least 30% by optimizing the survey experience.
Formsort makes it easy to make changes and push them live to customers.


Formsort is best for

  • You’re building long-lived forms and need a tool that meets the evolving needs of your fast-growing company
  • You're investing in marketing and optimizing conversions is important to you
  • You’re a healthcare company that adheres to strict data security protocols
  • You’re looking for a team who will advise and support you along your form building journey
  • You'll benefit from receiving partially completed forms even if they have not been submitted
Create your healthcare form

FormDr is good for

  • You’re creating simple, static PDF-like forms
  • You don’t need branded forms, custom form validation or advanced conditional logic
  • You aren’t investing in top-of-funnel performance marketing, and conversion rates aren’t top of mind for your team

Formsort vs FormDr feature comparison

Formsort FormDr
Logo upload
Custom fonts
Customized layout
Customizable components (buttons, progress bars, etc.)
Show multiple questions on 1 page
Logic beyond “if, then”
Calculated variables
Custom calculations using TypeScript
Basic calculator
API variables
External variables/hidden fields
URL parameters
Posting from another form
Access returning responder data Allow to save and continue later
Collect data at every step of form
Choose frequency of data capture: every step, upon completion, etc.
Allow to save and continue later
Custom validators
See version history
Split testing or A/B testing
Access to customer success team Only for enterprise

Formsort case studies

Vial, a clinical trials company, increased form completion rates by 30% and accelerated experimentation timelines with Formsort.

Read the case study

Allara, a virtual care center and community for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), more than doubled its sign-up conversion rate and reduced its form building timeline by 80%.

Read the case study

Formsort's HIPAA-compliant form features

Flexible form builder

Customize healthcare forms with Formsort's flexible builder. Adapt to ever-changing needs, ensuring your forms evolve with your healthcare processes seamlessly.

Pre-designed healthcare templates

Start your form using our pre-designed HIPAA-compliant templates. Curated for scenarios such as mental health assessment, weight loss onboarding, and many others, these templates are designed to save you time and effort.

Business associate agreement (BAA)

Formsort's Standard Business Associate Agreement (BAA) will help you protect your patients PHI and your business.

Personalized patient journey

Dynamically adapt forms based on patient data, providing a tailored and efficient interaction throughout their healthcare experience.

Branded forms

Move from static PDFs to conversational forms. Personalize the look and feel of your healthcare forms to match your brand, instilling trust and familiarity in patients interacting with your forms.

Conditional logic

With Formsort's advanced logic, you can get real-time data, qualify and disqualify patients, calculate variables, and handle many combinations of form paths.