Formsort changelog


New studio UI design

We’ve enhanced the studio UI for a better experience. Easily view all question types with our new question dialog. Manage your entire form in one view with inline groups, allowing you to expand, collapse, and move content effortlessly. See icons indicating optional questions, logic, and redirects inline. Use the statement component instead of step labels.


Question group (repeating group of questions)

Collect answers that consist of multiple fields and allow repeating answers.

Nest sub-questions within main questions to create hierarchical structures. Easily analyze data about specific medications, including dosages, or family health history.

Repeat the 'Question group' automatically multiple times (unlimited, fixed number, or based on another variable answer) so responders can enter information as many times as needed.

Read more here.


Variant search

Use the search bar to quickly locate the relevant element. Click on CMD +K inside one of the variants in your Formsort studio to search based on:

  • Step Index
  • Step ID
  • Question ID
  • Group ID
  • Answer label
  • Questions that set it
  • Content that depends on it
  • Redirect URLs
  • Labels in general


Salesforce integration

You can now create and update any Salesforce object with form data.

Read more here.


Custom CSS

Users with detailed styling needs beyond the theme editor's capabilities can now elevate their form design with our new Custom CSS feature. Utilize Custom CSS to implement highly specific styling requirements beyond standard themes. Custom CSS provides unparalleled flexibility, whether it's gradient fills, interactive animations, or dynamic layouts aligned with your brand's guidelines.

Learn more here.


Add flow tags

Organize your workspace by tagging flows. Filter related content together or help separate work by teams.

On the flows screen, click on the three dots next to a flow, then click the edit tags option.


Variable min/max for number questions

Dynamic minimum and maximum values can now be set for number questions based on other variables. This complements the existing option to limit number inputs with constant minimum and maximum values.


Enhanced default date control

You now have greater control over the default value for date questions. This allows you to set a default date based on your specific needs:

  • Yesterday: Default your date question to the previous day. (Disabled if onlyFuture is set)
  • Today: Set today's date as the default. (Disabled if onlyFuture or onlyPast is set)
  • Tomorrow: Choose tomorrow's date as the default. (Disabled if onlyPast is set)
  • Relative (past and future): Enable relative default dates, accommodating past or future dates.


Automatic age calculation

You can now automatically calculate the responder's age based on a date input. When your date input is configured to accept only past dates, simply click "Add a variable for age," and it will be automatically included in your variables. This age variable can be used as a templated variable or a qualifying variable later on in your form.


Dropdown search flexibility

You can now choose whether responders will use ‘exact match’ or ‘contain’ type of search in dropdowns. Select ‘allow only prefix matching’ to show options that exactly match entered letters, or disable it to display options containing those letters anywhere.


Number question enhancement

'Is-money' number questions now include automatic comma formatting for responders' input and clear data storage for you.


Content library

Add groups, steps, or questions to a central content library. Insert instances of those prototypes into other flows. Changes to the prototype will be automatically reflected in the instances. Read more here.


Group ranking API

Re-arrange groups dynamically. This allows for you to decide on-the-fly which content to show the responder, in which order. Read more here.


Allow subscribing to events with embed snippet

Use custom Javascript to listen to those events locally to construct a record of all the events and send in the payload with the answers payload.


Set maximum number of selections for multi-select questions

This will allow you to add and validate a prompt like “Please choose up to three choices”. All options will be disabled once the maximum choices have been selected.


Custom validators

You can now use custom validators to define your own logic by which a responder's answers should be validated. Answers can be validated using regular expressions, custom code, or via APIs. Read more here.


Default value return blank

We now allow setting a default value for a templated string for when it's undefined. This is a way for a templated variable to show up blank / return an empty string when a question is optional.


Sentry integration

You can now use the Sentry integration to get notified when there are problems within your Formsort flows. This will allow you to receive an error report within your Sentry project when there are exceptions within the flow runner, such as a misbehaving calculated variable. Read more here.


Responsiveness of a dropdown question

Select questions can now be displayed with a "native" dropdown on mobile and with a "custom" dropdown (which is very easy to use) on desktop (depending on the responder device). It is no longer necessary to select only one style (native or custom).


TrustedForm integration

You can now use the TrustedForm integration for independent proof of consent.


Text question default answer

Allow setting a default value for text questions. Default answer will allow you to preset the value of a text question. The values of these answers can be changed by the responder when they arrive at the step. Read more here.


Informational question tooltip

You are now able to add a tooltip to informational questions.


Admin API

The Admin API allows you to programmatically query for flows, variants, deployments, and the JSON schema for a provided variant. Learn more here, and request access via intercom.


File upload size restriction

You can now restrict minimum/maximum file sizes for image uploads. Read more about the image upload question type here.


SSN question

The SSN question type is now available. The SSN question type allows sensitive input to be masked and check for the proper 9 digit input.


Theme editor live preview

Live preview is now available in the studio theme editor. This preview will show all styling changes to components rendered exactly as they will in a deployed production flow. Go check it out, and learn more about styling flows here.


Cross domain tracking

If you are using Segment or Amplitude with formsort there is new step-by-step documentation for cross domain tracking in Segment and Amplitude.



Autosave is now available to all Pro and Enterprise tier clients! Enabling Autosave will cause the form to retain a responder’s answers should they leave and come back to the flow. In-progress answers are saved after 3 seconds have passed from a responder’s input. Answers will also be submitted to enabled integrations if “When the flow is finalized or abandoned” is enabled in submission frequencies. 

Enable Autosave by going into Flow -> Setting -> Behaviors

Read more here in our documentation.


Create new Google sheet

You can now create and view a Google sheet straight from the Google sheet integration setup page. Using the Google sheet integration is the fastest way to get your form up and running with Formsort. Read more about the integration here.


Top and bottom action bars

The top and bottom action bars can now be aligned with content in the layout editor. Previously it was difficult to have all content aligned in a layout, and users would work around this by approximating the top or bottom action bars in this manner using margin, padding, or other spacing, but now enabling “Limit action bar width” will ensure that the action bars are aligned with the content. Read more about layouts here.


Workspace domain detection

Workspace domain detection for new accounts is now available for all workspaces. This means new users that sign up with an existing domain will automatically be given the option to join the existing workspace associated with the domain. Learn more about domain detection here.


Google Cloud integration

You can now use the new Google Cloud integration to receive uploads, such as from file upload, image upload, or signature questions. Read more about how to use Google Cloud Storage and Formsort here.


JSON schemas

You can now retrieve the JSON structure of your flow. This is available by default in the payload when you are subscribed to the variant_revision_published event. Use the flowContent object to track how your flow evolves over time, run tests, or perform further operations on delivery. Read more about the JSON structure here.


"flowContent": {
"groups": [
"label": "Default",
"steps": [
"label": "",
"questions": [
"label": "Are you a robot?",
"type": "boolean",
"schemaKey": "yes_or_no"


New operators in conditional logic

You can now use the ability to use $all, $elemMatch and $size operators in conditional logic. Read more about this usage in the official mongo documentation.


Rudderstack integration

If you are already using Rudderstack to analyze how customers use your product, you can now emit events straight from a Formsort form into Rudderstack. These events can give you more insight into how a user is interacting with your form and can be analyzed against the rest of your customer data.

For more context, please see our reference for Analytics Events here, and how to edit the shape of the event payload.


Step ID in URLs

We've added a setting for how URLs are generated in Formsort: you now have the choice of using the step's index or the step ID in the URL.

Step ID is useful because it is a stable identifier. For example, if you are tracking conversions in Google Analytics, you wouldn't need to create a new conversion funnel every time we add or drop a step in the flow, since the goal URL remains stable.

Enable it at Settings > Behavior > Use step ID instead of index

(This might end up being the default soon)


Date and time question type

This allows responders to provide a more precise time in their local timezone. The answer is stored as an ISO-8601 timestamp at the UTC timezone, like 2022-09-19T15:54:41.111Z


Google sheets integration

You can now use the new Google sheets integration, send form data to Google Sheets directly - without involving engineers or 3rd party workarounds.

Consider the Google Sheets integration if:

  • You or your business uses the Google suite of products
  • The traffic to your form is low. Using Google Sheets will count towards your Google API limits. Formsort cannot guarantee delivery of responses if this limit is reached
  • You have a one-off form for a small use case
  • You need to quickly get your form up and running, and you have no engineering resources
  • You’re a healthcare business that needs HIPAA compliance and have signed a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with Google Workspace products. Note: Google Sheets uses high-level encryption to safeguard protected health information (PHI), but you still need to sign a BAA as this data will be stored on Google’s servers

Read more about the integration here.


Inline display of conditional logic

You can now view conditional logic inline when editing a flow within the studio. This will let you know what steps of a flow will be executed based on defined criteria, and help you to easily create complex flows branching logic. Read more about adding conditional logic here.


Celebrate with confetti

You can now celebrate with confetti during your flow.

You can enable this feature in the Style -> Animations section for a step. Formsort allows you to choose from a variety of preset animations as well as their timing and easing functions, read more here.

Tooltips for select choices

Choices in a select question can now have tooltips attached. Use this to explain choices that would otherwise be too complex or too long to have in one line. Read more about questions here.


Copy variants to a new flow

You can now copy an existing variant into a new or existing flow.

A flow collects information to fulfill a specific goal within your organization: for example, a new user sign-up flow. Variants exist within a flow, and are generally used to make small variations to the same content. Read more about flows and variants here.


Seven new themes for flows

The Formsort team has released seven new themes that can be used in flows. Themes provide the underlying style settings for a flow, and starter themes can be used as a basis for developing the perfect theme for your own flows.


Content templates for flows

New flows created will be offered the ability to start blank, or to choose from a few pre-canned sets of content. Content templates are a great place to start when creating content for your flows.

  • New flows include templates for e-commerce, fin-tech, and healthcare.


Multiple integrations

You can now send responder data to multiple locations for the same integration.